Originating in Germany

the word gestalt is most commonly understood as whole. You might have heard about it in statements such as the "whole" is greater than the sum of the parts.

This understanding

has influenced counselling and therapy practice by centralising the whole person, in the here and now, as both the display of distress as well as the source of solutions.

The whole person

will include the physical, emotional, cognitive, and consciously aware aspects of him or her.

Thus, gestalt therapists

are not interested in delving into the client’s past, or exploring the client’s future.  Rather gestalt therapist will observe the person in his or her wholeness in the now to assist with any distress that is currently happening

Success is best

when the gestalt therapist helps the client raise his or her own awareness of their own gestalt.


gestalt coaches will assist their clients to their successes by prioritising the whole person, in the present moment, including raising the clients own awareness of their wholeness, or their gestalt.


– People of all ages, of any complaint, or of any life goal, can benefit from Gestalt Coaching Therapy services.  Those with mental health issues, relationship issues, or behavioural issues have benefited from our services. Further, those who are looking to better themselves, or achieve their next life goal have flourished under our services. 

– Please complete the online form below, and one of our staff will be in contact as soon as possible to schedule your appointment.  We currently do not have any waiting times, so you will likely have an appointment as soon as you need. 

– Please ring us on 0401 861195 and we will be happy to discuss our fees with you. 

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